Getwell BioCare

Role of Ayurveda in Health Tourism

The health of humans is impacted by globalization as well as the increase in the volume and pace of international trade in goods and services. In the last 10 years, there have been new healthcare service production and consumption patterns that have emerged.  People are traveling in quest for a better quality of life and a reasonable health care system. The movement of the patients across the borders in search of health and medical treatment is referred to as Medical tourism. This practice is referred to as Medical Tourism. Make sure to contact the best Ayurvedic manufacturing company.

Market Overview

The market size of global medical tourism is accounted for $104.68 billion in the year 2019. This is projected to reach $273.72 billion by the year 2027. The CAGR growth percent from the year 2019 to 2027 is 12.8% in terms of value. The global medical tourism market accounted for 23, 042.90 thousand patients in the year 2019 and this is projected to reach 70,358.61 thousand patients by 2027. This registers a CAGR of 15% from the year 2019 to 2027.

Medical Tourism and Ayurveda

The prevalence of certain lifestyle orders like hypertension, diabetes and heart diseases is rising as these days life is becoming more complex and stressful. The global share of deaths attributed to non-communicable diseases has increased from 61% in the year 2000 to 74% in the year 2019.

The world today has agreed on Universal Health Coverage. It is the responsibility of every country as well as the national government to pursue this. Every country has unique healthcare services, technologies and access to people are broadening. The UHC further reaffirms that it is dedicated to providing the best health care to everyone without any kind of financial hardship.

Support of The Ministry of Ayush 

These days the government has been promoting indigenous medicines actively along with the associated treatment techniques. The government has also developed the champion services sector scheme for MVT to promote medical tourism, especially in the area of the traditional system of medicines.

It is anticipated that this project will boost the number of foreign patients, visitors, and tourists. This is likely to result in an increased revenue generation for the nation in the form of foreign exchange. Moreover, this initiative also aims to increase Ayush Job opportunities, nationwide authentic data creation in the Ayush sector, capacity building as well as skill development in the area of Ayurveda, yoga, and other traditional systems of medicine.

Ayurveda is Holistic Healing

India is emerging as the hub of several facilities to retreat, regenerate and refuel starting from the yoga ashrams to the spas and the wellness facilities thereby offering holistic therapy. There are several hotels and resorts available these days that are providing ayurvedic treatments. The rising demand of the ayurvedic products have also enabled several premium hotels to introduce wellness segments with the experts and also the therapists. The best ayurvedic manufacturing company manufactures the best medicines.

Many capacity building initiatives are also been adapted to train the expert service providers, therapists, the paramedical as well as the non-medical staff. This also necessitates the quality assurance programs through standardization, regulation as well as accreditation in providing the Ayurveda facilities.

These days the regulators are also encouraging private investments in the Ayurveda medical infrastructure as well as policy making. They have also reduced the import/excise duty for the medical equipment and facilities. It is also necessary to have a price parity for the treatment modalities provided and there should also be an assurance that ensures quality standards to be maintained for the services delivered.

The demand for the ayurvedic products have grown owing to the rejuvenating therapies in the Western countries. There are several business operators in the healthcare industry opening up health and wellness centers. Their primary focus is to provide health and restorative treatments. These days several villages, townships, healing hubs and communities are also coming up.

The government should encourage the states to create unique wellness tourist zones. There should also be strategic efforts made to synergize with the major stakeholders like the MVT facilitators, hostels and airlines and make India a holistic healing and a rejuvenation center. Getting medicines from the top ayurvedic medicine manufacturer company will help.


The world is today realized the benefit of Ayurveda. This offers very effective cure for several diseases that include even the chronic ones. This also helps in rejuvenating the body, fights stress and also offers relief to the lifestyle-related diseases. It provides relief and do not have any major side effects. Ayurveda and health tourism have been promoting authentic Ayurveda across nations. Ayurveda and health tourism covers developments in the branch of medical science. It has also been participating in the major tourism and health events across the world.

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